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Showing posts from June, 2020

Bitcoin will not be allowed

According to Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov, Bitcoin is unlikely to be legalized in Russia. According to him, our legislation does not contain both the term "digital token" and the term "crypt-currency," and we should not mix in the legislation the traditional banking and currency regulation and terms from this area with the block, which is associated with the new technology of the Bitcoin. For that reason, he suggested that the term "digital token" should be used.   "Bitcoins are a certain foreign project of application of Blockchain technology, Russian legislation will never consider Bitcoin as a certain legal essence in the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, but the application of Blockchain technology, the use of various digital tokens, I think, is quite possible," said Nikolai Nikiforov on the sidelines of "Youth Forum".   With the money will be the one who has time to merge the "bits". A...

People tend to trust what they want

  They believe what they want to believe, despite the obvious evidence to the contrary. Short-term luck makes many such devoted traders strengthen in false faith. In a recent interview I was asked what is the best quality a trader should possess. My answer was as follows: Obviously, there are many different qualities that a trader needs to succeed. They are all important. If I had to choose the most important of them, I would say that this is the ability to feel the true reality. Unlucky traders have a distorted view of the market, about themselves and their actions in trading. It is very difficult for them to correct their wrong judgments, so they are doomed to failure.  The entire market world is built in a way that reinforces their erroneous views. This is the difficulty to overcome them. Introduction to the Theory of Chaos. It turns out that it is possible to study the history of market prices using mathematical and statistical tools and determine whether there are repetitive m...

People completely disregard the choice of position size

                                               Choosing a position size is the part of your trading approach that tells you "how much". It's not attractive. It does not give you the impression of your control over the market, as the entry methods do. It simply tells you what you risk in a given trade. You have already learned from the balloon game that many people lose 60% of their money in the system just because of a bad choice of position size. And the wide variation of results in this game depends entirely on how much they are at risk. And all this can become your best helper in the market. So why the competent choice of position size is such a problem?   Problem 1: Gambler's error. How can you lose 60% of your money in the system at one-to-one bets? In a 60% system, you probably won seven or eight consecutive losses over 1,000 attempts. Bu...

How to choose a Forex broker correctly

All traders on the first steps in trading face the question of how to choose a reliable broker that would execute all commands on time and increase spread as rarely as possible. The question of choosing a Forex broker is always relevant that's why the school of trading offers to understand what information about brokers is really significant, and what is only advertising. More information you can get here:   The pros and cons of any broker you can easily find in many materials. We will not describe them in this article. It is important to understand only one thing that the profitability of trading depends directly on the broker. That's why we want to present you 5 factors for which you can easily choose a Forex broker. Of these, 2 factors are extremely important, and the other 3 are secondary and will serve you as a useful addition.  Criteria for Choosing a Forex Broker...

Diamond technical analysis figure

The figure Diamond or Diamond refers to classical graphical analysis figures.   It does not appear on charts very often, but the ability to identify it and use it in making trading decisions can significantly enrich the trading arsenal of any trader. How a Diamond figure is defined, what its features and similarities with other graphical analysis figures, as well as what market mechanics cause its appearance, we will analyze in this article.   Peculiarities of a Diamond Shape The diamond refers to the figures of the turn. That is, after its appearance, the trend most often changes to the opposite. That's not a 100% rule. But if the figure is correctly identified, if the context is correct and the Diamond is indeed found, the trend reversal can be expected with high probability.   This formation looks like a rhombus. But we decided to call it a more noble name. So, Diamond is a kind of flute that appeared after the trend. But it can be approximately in the middle of the pe...

Algotrading and Stock Market

On the stock market, algorithmic trading evolves the fastest. Still, it is much more widespread among big players like hedge funds and investment banks than among individual traders. This is understandable, in our days of rapidly developing technologies, competition is also rapidly growing in this field. And in order to survive and earn a lot of money you need a lot of money to provide resources: attracting specialists and creating infrastructure for inventing and implementing more efficient algorithms.   On the stock market, algorithm trading has got a certain stratification into the following types of its applications:   Algorithms based on technical analysis. Here, robots use technical analysis tools to monitor market movements and look for patterns and inefficiencies to make a profit on them. Pair trading. Two instruments are chosen here, one of which is a "cheater". That is, first there are changes on the guide, and then the second one is pulled up after it. Such ineffic...

Time to begin representation

Time to begin representation Hello, I am John Williams, creator of website. Our team worked hard to collect every single important new, to create informative reviews and useful articles on trading. It has been a long way to put everything together in a convenient form for you. I'd like to thank for an inexhaustible source of information. It became possible to understand the direction for site development thanks to . You can find me on social media: is my Linkedin profile. You can also check my company there: Best place to share your ideas with community is Twitter, so there is my profile: Also don't miss ideas on LiveJournal: So, now you know more about me and my project, Blogger ...